Pet Therapy
My mother-in-law, Roslyn, is almost 97 years old. She lives in an assisted living center. Sometimes she feels a bit lonely or isolated because of her weak hearing. We have an amazing nursing student, Lauren, who comes to visit and take her out for a meal or a movie or other fun things she likes – eating ice cream, feeding the ducks at the lake, etc.
One day, Lauren decided to bring her Lhasa Apso dog, Socks, to visit Roslyn. What a great idea that was! I have never seen Roz’s face light up like that. She was petting him, putting him on her lap, talking to him, asking about his name, age, etc.
We loved her question to Lauren, “What is his make and model?” That was so cute. Socks doesn’t bark, he is easygoing. He just went with whatever Roslyn wanted to do. He wasn’t trained as a therapy dog, but he behaved like one. He felt he had a job to do, and he was amazing at it.
They spent a whole hour together. They even took a walk and went to the lake to feed the ducks. Roslyn was so happy that afternoon. Socks comes by often to visit Roslyn and give her some fun, cheerful time. His quiet energy and silence brought so much joy to his new friend.

Our furry friends are so precious. Some people underestimate what they are capable of.
Our cat Bijou “works” with my husband daily. Sometimes when he is stressed out, she comes and sits right in front of his computer screen to give him a break, sits on his hand that he uses to move the mouse, or sits on the keyboard. That is her way to ask him to stop for a few seconds and play. Isn’t that amazing? Great natural therapists, these animals.
I read a book about an amazing naturally therapeutic cat who helped a young child with special needs. The cat lived at the library, and the child used to come there but was so scared of the cat. “Dewey the Library Cat” (that’s the title) worked his way very patiently with that child until they became best friend. The child changed a lot because of this relationship.
Another great book is about an English ginger cat that saved a guy named James (A Street Cat Named Bob). The cat chose James as an owner (against James’ will, but then he gave up and adopted Bob). Another time a great cat saved its owner’s life. I hope whoever reads this post will befriend a furry friend. I promise it will bring much joy and laughter into your daily life. I know our cat Bijou does.